University Undergraduate Programmes

Shaping Futures: GTEC's Undergraduate Programme Consultancy

At GTEC, we excel in guiding students towards exceptional undergraduate programmes. Our consultancy services are tailored to match your aspirations, offering expert advice and support throughout the university application process. With GTEC’s personalized guidance, students gain access to high-quality undergraduate education, ensuring a solid foundation for their future careers. Let GTEC be your partner in shaping your academic journey, opening doors to a world of possibilities.

Vibrant scene of engaged students, embodying the enriching and diverse university experience within our outstanding undergraduate programs.

Undergraduate Programmes in Different Countries

University Education

Before students embark on their university education, the most crucial decision they make is choosing the country, university, and field of study for their higher education. In making this decision, students need accurate guidance because a wrong choice might sometimes be irreparable. Every student aspires to pursue their education in globally renowned institutions. Achieving this dream is possible through preparatory ‘Foundation’ programs undertaken prior to university education.

Studying in a prestigious university worldwide is every student’s dream. However, beyond university rankings, factors such as location, campus, percentage of international students, accommodation options, services and achievements of faculty members should also be considered. Students should ask themselves the following questions before deciding on a university:

  • In which country and university should I study?
  • Is the educational system suitable for the undergraduate program I want to pursue?
  • Which field of study should I choose?
  • What are the facilities that the university offer?
  • Is the university and the chosen program recognized by the relevant authorities in my home country?
  • Do I have the required academic and language proficiency for this education?
  • Does the cost of education fit my budget?
  • Are there academic and financial support options available for international students?
    We are here to assist you in finding answers to these and many other questions to help you make informed decisions
A compelling snapshot capturing the essence of our diverse and exceptional undergraduate programs, designed for academic excellence and future success.
Celebratory graduation moment, symbolizing the culmination of success in our esteemed undergraduate programs. Your journey to achievement begins here.

UK Undergraduate Landscape

In the UK, undergraduate education typically lasts for three years (In some countries undergraduate education typically lasts for four years). However, programs like Medicine, Dentistry, and Architecture, affiliated with specific schools, can occasionally extend to a longer duration. Unlike England, undergraduate education in Scotland lasts for four years. Usually, the academic year starts around the end of September or early October. Some schools may have exceptions, beginning in January-February periods.

For International students to pursue undergraduate education in the UK, if they study less then 13 academic year in their home countries they are required to attend a one-year preparatory (Foundation) program. The purpose of the Foundation Program is to help students from countries with different educational systems adapt to the UK’s education system and complete any missing credits in their studies. Being accepted into a program without completing a Foundation course is very challenging. However, students with high grade point averages and proficiency in English, or those who have obtained diplomas such as IB or A Levels can directly start from the first year.

Foundation education is provided by some universities internally and occasionally by private institutions. Not all Foundation programs offered by every institution are recognized by all universities and departments. Therefore, students must carefully check where and for which programs the Foundation courses are valid before starting. To participate in a Foundation program, students need to have an intermediate-level or higher proficiency in English. Some schools offering Foundation programs may require a minimum IELTS score of 5.5 in English proficiency for enrolment.